UDMCA is a Shiny web application that allows to visualize changepoints by using Bayesian changepoint techniques implemented in ‘changepoint’, ‘breakpoint’, ‘cumSeg’ and ‘bcp’.
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
For attribution, please cite this work as
Wijewardhana (2022, March 23). Di Cook Award: UDMCA - A Shiny App for Single Species Univariate Changepoint Analysis. Retrieved from https://statsocaus.github.io/dicook-award/tutorials/2022-03-23-udani-wijewardhana/
BibTeX citation
@misc{wijewardhana2022udmca, author = {Wijewardhana, Udani}, title = {Di Cook Award: UDMCA - A Shiny App for Single Species Univariate Changepoint Analysis}, url = {https://statsocaus.github.io/dicook-award/tutorials/2022-03-23-udani-wijewardhana/}, year = {2022} }