Statistical software tools make a considerable difference to the daily life of an analyst. This Award aims to:
The use of open-source software (e.g. Python and R) is fast growing among users of programming languages, and such software is widely used for statistical computing and graphics. This Award focuses on open-source software because the methods are transparent to users, and many of the contributions are volunteered by the community with little remuneration or formal recognition. This is a factor which this Award aims to address.
Professor Dianne Cook was born and raised in regional Australia. She completed her Bachelor of Science at the University of New England before heading to the USA to complete her PhD in Statistics at Rutgers University. Prof. Cook spent most of her academic career at the Department of Statistics at the Iowa State University before returning back to Australia in 2015 to join the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University. She is particularly well known for her research in visual inference and high-dimensional data visualisation and as an avid advocate of statistical software development. A number of students under her supervision have developed highly successful R packages, including Hadley Wickham who developed
, Yihui Xie who developed knitr
and Earo Wang who developed tsibble
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