Statistical Software Showcase

cassowaryr R-package tutorial

2021 entry

The cassowaryr package provides functions to compute scagnostics on pairs of numeric variables in a data set.

Workflow for the rater R-package

2021 entry

`rater` fits statistical models of repeated categorical rating data based on Dawid-Skene model (Dawid and Skene, 1979, doi:10.2307/2346806). Full Bayesian inference for these models is supported through the Stan modelling language. `rater` also allows the user to extract and plot key parameters of these models.


2021 entry

The goal of `ebviz` is to assist authors of a Multiple Regression Poststratification edited book in creating visualizations that are readable, cohesive, and accessible.

UDMCA - A Shiny App for Single Species Univariate Changepoint Analysis

2021 entry

UDMCA is a Shiny web application that allows to visualize changepoints by using Bayesian changepoint techniques implemented in ‘changepoint’, ‘breakpoint’, ‘cumSeg’ and ‘bcp’.

PLSDAbatch R-package

2021 entry

The `PLSDAbatch` package includes both a new method for batch effect correction, along with a comprehensive standardised framework for batch effect management including the application of existing methods ranging from accounting for batch effects (e.g. with linear models) to correcting for batch effects (e.g removeBatchEffect from the *limma* package, and ComBat from *sva*) and a proposed method for microbiome data.

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Statistical Software Showcase

This page shows the list tutorials of some submissions to the Di Cook Award. You can get to know some statistical software product that students in Victoria or Tasmania have developed.

This page shows the list tutorials of some submissions to the Di Cook Award. You can get to know some statistical software product that students in Victoria or Tasmania have developed.


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